YES, please reserve a spot for me at the festival at Harbor Park. I understand that my spot will only be reserved once this completed form, a $50 non-refundable donation sent to JCEA (online click here or mail check to JCEA, P.O. Box 854, Middletown, CT 06457) and proof of compliance with the City of Middletown Police Department regulations as stated below, are submitted.
The City of Middletown now requires that all vendors be approved annually by the Middletown Police Department. To be in compliance with their requirements, please send the following to the Middletown Police Department:
$5.00 background check fee for each worker in your booth handling money.
Check made out to the Middletown Police Department
Copy of photo id or driver’s license for each person working your booth.
A VALID copy of your Sales and Use Permit issued by the State of Ct.
Event name: Middletown Earth Festival
Their address is:
Middletown Police Department
ATTN: Records
222 Main Street
Middletown, CT 06457
email questions to: SStocking@middletownctpolice.com
Since your permit is good for the year, please let the police department know if you are planning to participate in any additional public events this year.
The City of Middletown Health Department also requires a Special Event Food License if you are selling prepared foods or foods for consumption on site. Please send us a copy of your licensure (caterer, bakery, food resale). Please contact Jennifer Sparks at Jennifer.Sparks@middletownct.gov to make arrangements for your Special Event Food License.
Applications for permits should be submitted no later than March 25. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with these ordinances. The Police Department will stop accepting applications 30 days prior to the event. If you are not in compliance you will not be admitted to the festival and your application fee will not be refunded.